Digital Preservation Workbench 1.0.0 GitHub๏ธ

Putting iPRES 2024 in Context

Part of the iPRES 2024 Workshop "Digital Preservation Registries: What We Have & What We Need"


The goal of this activity is to introduce you to the Digital Preservation Publications Index, use it to help place iPRES 2024 in context, and get your feedback on how it goes and what could be improved.

We'll work together to find relevant papers from the twenty-year history of iPRES and connect them to this year's publications using the conference platform's commenting system.



Who Goes There?!

Use this Google Sheet to coordinate our efforts by putting any unique marker in the cell marked Working On It...

Click here to open this Google Sheet in a new tab.


We'd like any and all feedback about the iPRES Proceedings and the Publications Index. e.g.

You can use the Padlet below to leave feedback, or add a ๐Ÿ‘/๐Ÿ‘Ž to the feedback that's already there. Unless you have specifically logged into the Padlet service, this feedback will be anonymous. Either way, please be kind.